
The Cleansed

open album in Spotify application
Music scoreYES
Sound effectsYES
Multiple voicesYES

The Cleansed is a free post-oil apocalyptic drama podcast set fifteen years after the depletion of the world's oil reserves and the massive unrest that followed. It follows the story of John Prophet, an ex-soldier who has never given up the fight, as he tries to rally a force to fight the totalitarian "New Republic" whose oppressive forces shadow old New York. John's journey takes him to rural Maine, where two youths who have grown up in an off-grid Refuge are the only ones willing to heed his desperate warnings. With trouble on their heels, the three set off on an uncertain path fraught with grim survivalists, rugged individuals, religious maniacs and dangers of nature that have grown up in this strange land.

I only found 1 episode on Spotify but they have more stuff on their own site

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